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Stripe payment state machine

Streamline your e-commerce transactions with the Stripe Payment State Machine example.

Stripe payment state machine

Streamline your e-commerce transactions with the Stripe Payment State Machine example.

State Diagrams
Flow Chart
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about this example

State machines are vital for managing complex workflows like online payments. This diagram simplifies the Stripe payment process:

  • Payment Initialization: Illustrates the start of the payment flow and the creation of a payment source.
  • Source States: Shows the transition of a payment source from pending to chargeable or failed.
  • Charge Creation: Details the creation of a charge and its progression from pending to either succeeded or failed.
  • Order Fulfillment: Connects the successful payment charge to the fulfillment of the customer's order.

When to use
  • E-commerce Development: When designing the checkout system for an e-commerce platform requiring streamlined payment processing.
  • Financial State Tracking: When creating a system to track the state of financial transactions accurately through various stages.
  • Error Handling in Payments: When needing to handle payment failures gracefully and inform the necessary stakeholders within the flow.

How to use
  1. Start editing: Duplicate the example file and double-click on the diagram to adapt it to your payment processing workflow.
  2. Customize diagram: Add or modify nodes, groups, and relationships to represent your specific payment gateways and order processing logic.
  3. Customize layout: Drag elements on the diagram directly on the canvas to ensure the flow is logical and easy to follow.
  4. Collect feedback: Share the diagram with your team, especially those working on payment systems, to refine and validate the process.

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